[ML 101] Decision trees
How do decision trees work? How do decision trees choose attribute to split?
This article aim to introduce decision tree and expaln what algorithm it uses to split data.
When I first use DecisionTreeClassifier()
in sklearn, I came up with a question “How do the tree know which attribute to split?” What criteria were used to selecte root node? Before answering this question, we must know what a decision tree is.
What is a decision tree?
In short, decision tree ask a question then divide the dataset based on the answer.
building block of Decision Tree
Immediately we will ask what is the rule for decision tree to ask a question?
First, we need to understand the basic building block in decision tree.
- Root is the origin of the tree, there is only one root for each tree.
- Edge is the link between two nodes, a tree with N nodes will have maximum N-1 edges, notice that edge has direction.
- Parent is a node with edge linked toward other nodes.
- Child is a node with a Parent node.
- Leaf node is the node without any child node.
- Height of the tree is the number of edges on the longest path from the root to a Leaf node.
- Depth of a node is number of edges from the node to root.Here is great explanation from stackoverflow
Example: In above example, root is node with question "Is this article useful?", it has two children connected by two edges and both children are Leaf node. Height of this tree is 1, and both Leaf nodes has Depth of 1.
Select the most informative attribute
Finally, we can talk about the question I asked in the begining. The answer is use Entropy to find out the most informative attribute, then use it to split the data. There are three frequencly used algorithms to create a decision tree, they are:
- Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3)
- C4.5
- Classification And Regression Trees (CART)
they each use sligthly different method to meausre impurness of data.
Entropy is the randomness or uncertainty, in a constant dataset entropy is zero, thus our problem become minimize entropy. Entropy of classes is defined as where p of i is the probability of i.
Information gain
Remember our goal is to find the most informative attribute, so find out attribute have highest information gain can help. Information gain of attribute is defined as
Where H before is entropy of current node, H after is weighted sum of splited entropy. Let's take a look at following example:
Income | Tech_lover | Age | iPhone_user |
high | Y | young | Y |
high | N | old | Y |
low | Y | middle | Y |
high | Y | middle | Y |
low | N | young | N |
low | Y | young | N |
low | N | old | N |
high | N | middle | N |
let say our target is to predict someone use iPhone or not, and we got the data like this.
First, entropy of class attribute is:
H = - 4/8*log2(4/8) - 4/8 * log2(4/8)
H = 1
this mean the class iPhone user is totally random. but it didn't stop us to calculate information gain of each attribute! For attribute Income, entropy for low income:
H = -3/4 log2(3/4) - 1/4log2(1/4)
H = 0.8113
similarly for high income:
H = 0.8113
the weighted entropy:
H = 4/8 * H_low + 4/8 * H_high
H = 0.8113 Information gain = entropy of class - entropy if splitted by attribute
IG = 1 - 0.8113
IG = 0.1887
Information gain for attribute income is 0.1887 Repeat above steps for other attributes. we get the following information gain: IG_income = 0.1887
IG_tech = 0.1887
IG_age = 0.0613
So, we can say that attribute age is not so informative compare to income and tech lover. ID3 use entropy and information gain to generate decision tree.
Gini impurity
Gini index can be used for impurity measurement. CART algorithm use Gini impurity to create decision tree. where p of i is probability of attribute i.
Split ratio
to reduce a bias towards multi-valued attributes by taking the number and size of branches into account when choosing an attribute. source
C4.5 algorithm measure impurity slightly different compare to ID3, C4.5 use normalized information gain
Where N(t_i) is number of event i appears. N(t) is total count of events and t is set of events. This normalized information gain ensure the split is effective.
fundamental function of decision tree is divide data into subset. Impurity measurement is used to find the most informative attribute, for different algorithms there are different ways to measure impurity, in real world three of the algorithms were flavored, iD3, C4.5 and CART.
In real life, decision tree often have problem of overfitting, in this case multiple trees can make a better decision, which I will discuss later.