Customize maps with Prettymaps

Customize maps with Prettymaps

A minimal Python library to draw customized maps from OpenStreetMap created using the osmnx, matplotlib, shapely and vsketch libraries.

Andy Cheung · 2 minute read

Prettymaps is A minimal Python library to draw customized maps from OpenStreetMap created using the osmnx, matplotlib, shapely and vsketch libraries.

install prettymaps

To start generating maps, first install prettymaps using pip

$ pip install prettymaps

import prettymaps

# For local execution (does not require installing the library):
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import sys; sys.path.append('../')

# Prettymaps
from prettymaps import *
# Vsketch
import vsketch
import osmnx as ox
# Matplotlib-related
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from descartes import PolygonPatch
# Shapely
from shapely.geometry import *
from shapely.affinity import *
from shapely.ops import unary_union

Select locations from OpenStreetMap

Next is to get data from OpenStreetMap, Prettymaps allows you to use the name of the address you would like to create map. pick address

Generate the map

The following is from example of Prettymaps GitHub repo, and I have made modtifcations based on needed.

#Init matplotlib figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 12), constrained_layout = True)

backup = plot(
    # Address: #This is where to input the name of address
    'Hong Kong Island',
    # Plot geometries in a circle of radius:
    radius = 1100,
    # Matplotlib axis
    ax = ax,
    # Which OpenStreetMap layers to plot and their parameters:
    layers = {
            # Perimeter (in this case, a circle)
            'perimeter': {},
            # Streets and their widths
            'streets': {
                'width': {
                    'motorway': 5,
                    'trunk': 5,
                    'primary': 4.5,
                    'secondary': 4,
                    'tertiary': 3.5,
                    'residential': 3,
                    'service': 2,
                    'unclassified': 2,
                    'pedestrian': 2,
                    'footway': 1,
            # Other layers:
            #   Specify a name (for example, 'building') and which OpenStreetMap tags to fetch
            'building': {'tags': {'building': True, 'landuse': 'construction'}, 'union': False},
            'water': {'tags': {'natural': ['water', 'bay']}},
            'green': {'tags': {'landuse': 'grass', 'natural': ['island', 'wood'], 'leisure': 'park'}},
            'forest': {'tags': {'landuse': 'forest'}},
            'parking': {'tags': {'amenity': 'parking', 'highway': 'pedestrian', 'man_made': 'pier'}}
        # drawing_kwargs:
        #   Reference a name previously defined in the 'layers' argument and specify matplotlib parameters to draw it
        drawing_kwargs = {
            'background': {'fc': '#F2F4CB', 'ec': '#dadbc1', 'hatch': 'ooo...', 'zorder': -1},
            'perimeter': {'fc': '#F2F4CB', 'ec': '#dadbc1', 'lw': 0, 'hatch': 'ooo...',  'zorder': 0},
            'green': {'fc': '#D0F1BF', 'ec': '#2F3737', 'lw': 1, 'zorder': 1},
            'forest': {'fc': '#64B96A', 'ec': '#2F3737', 'lw': 1, 'zorder': 1},
            'water': {'fc': '#a1e3ff', 'ec': '#2F3737', 'hatch': 'ooo...', 'hatch_c': '#85c9e6', 'lw': 1, 'zorder': 2},
            'parking': {'fc': '#F2F4CB', 'ec': '#2F3737', 'lw': 1, 'zorder': 3},
            'streets': {'fc': '#2F3737', 'ec': '#475657', 'alpha': 1, 'lw': 0, 'zorder': 3},
            'building': {'palette': ['#FFC857', '#E9724C', '#C5283D'], 'ec': '#2F3737', 'lw': .5, 'zorder': 4},

Pick a Palette

Inorder to make a great visiualization, a great color palette is a must have. I used Coolor to help me choose right color for the visiualization.


Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong hkust map three district cuhk all of code can be found in Here